Selected projects


Visual Design

For the most recent commercial design and illustration projects visit my Studio Momentum website (currently offline - coming back soon!), or the Instagram or Facebook accounts.
(Full studio website coming later on this year)

Christchurch Art Seen

An ongoing series of (almost) weekly gallery tours, which introduce new galleries, artists and artists’ studios to Christchurch residents and visitors to the city. This event is a collaboration with art historian Dr Warren Feeney of Art Content and ArtBeat. The tours were originally founded and run by Karin Bathgate from their inception, until the end of 2022.

For information on the upcoming tours see @Chch Art Seen (on Facebook) and @christchurchartseen (on Instagram)

To enquire and book or if you’d like to be added to our database, please email.
Saturday mornings, 10.00am - 12.00pm, $25.00 per person.


A project (currently in development) which supports creative professionals. The project began as a Masters thesis and is currently in its first iteration. You can read more about the project on the Otago Polytechnic page. Currently archived. For more information and enquiries on the workshops delivered by make/shift see Workshops page

Art in the Streets

Art in the streets was a response to the post-earthquake Christchurch landscape in flux and a live record of the temporary creative projects which were emerging in the months following the disaster. The website was both an ongoing archive and a self-guided walk for visitors and locals.

The project was submitted as a part of my Bachelor of Fine Arts thesis at Whitecliffe College.

Exposed - photo series

A selection of a larger collection of images exhibited in 2014 as a part of a group show “Exposed” by the faculty at Design and Arts College.

The series documents the linguistic accidents - typos, wrongly used apostrophes, accidental mistranslations and the unintentionally humorous or nostalgic effects on signs in the public space, restaurant menus, paste ups and notes.



Letterpress printing workshops at Ferrymead Printing Society. One workshop was developed specifically for Design and Arts College as part of the Graphic Design Diploma curriculum, the other one was delivered for beginners as part of the Nostalgia festival events.

Workshops for creative professionals are coming soon via make/shift project.
(some of the photos in this album by Steve Johnstone)

Business Basics for Artists, Creatives, and Makers

I delivered a series of introductory workshops outlining how to turn a creative practice into a basic business in 2021 and 2022, with support from Saltlane Studios, Assembly Point and LIVS in Christchurch, and Selwyn District Council in Rangiora. The next iteration of workshops coming in 2023.


Copy writing for blogs, social media posting, website pages, publications and marketing collateral and copy editing services.

About and blogs example: John Clare Art
About page example: Toucan Tiling Ltd

For additional samples or to discuss a project contact me here


My experience is in tertiary education within graphic design, fine arts, architecture and interior design programmes. I have written qualification framework, planned lectures tutorials and presentations, delivered curriculum content, moderated lesson plans, developed marking schedules, assessed student work and organised graduate exhibitions. I love working in all aspects of the teaching space - from education design to being in the classroom. If you have a project in mind, please contact me here.